Making Your Commute Smell like Fresh Cut Grass and Lavender!

06/12/2013 12:12

Pee-yew! You’ve just stepped into your friend’s car, and it stinks! Smelly things are never pleasant, but a car is one of the most difficult places to rid of an unpleasant odor, and driving around with a lingering miasma can be simply unbearable.

If you’ve ever purchased a malodorous used car, then you understand how difficult and frustrating it can be to rid the car of these unpleasant odors.

You’ve tried everything—from sprays to scented trees, and carpet shampooing, but everything seems to just mask the smell, and after a while, it blends into one odoriferous stink. Most car fragrances are too strong, too weak, or just plain nasty, but thanks to custom fragrance, you can finally say goodbye to your car’s signature stench, and say hello to a pleasant and olfactory-soothing scent, chosen and created by you!

Smoking can be a tough habit to crack, and if you or anyone has ever smoked in your car, the lingering and persistent stench can be next to impossible to clear. Removing the smoke smell from your car is no simple task, but it can certainly be simplified and accomplished thanks to your newly designed fragrance.

Finally, you can remove that unwanted smoke smell from your car, and replace it with a pleasing odor that will make your driving experiences and time spent in the car a whole lot more enjoyable.

Custom fragrances are a new option, and you can be your own alchemist, combining, mixing and matching until you find that fit that suits you perfectly.

Many people often ask how to remove the smoke smell from their car, and until now there haven’t been very many options. Thanks to the possibility of fragrance creation and customization, you can find a product that actually works, and smells better than bearable.

While most car fragrances have been tolerable at best, create my own fragrance takes car scent products to the next level. Wave goodbye to those funky smelling fragrances that you used to spent money on, and say hello to a car fragrance that is so good you could wear it on yourself.

Why continue spending your money on products that don’t work, and that simply cover up the fetid stenches with odors less pungent. Create the scent most pleasing to your nostrils, and ensure that you never again have to worry about the smell of your car. Rid your automobile of its old stank, and replace it with your very own custom fragrance.